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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

La-Tweez, Pro Illuminating Tweezers

I had been using the same tweezers for as long as I could remember
I'm pretty sure they were a No7 pair but they were so old that the brand had rubbed off.
I had not been happy with them for a while as they were so sharp that my poor brow area resembled a pin cushion every time I used them.
So I decided it was time to invest in a new pair.

This gorgeous little pair from la-tweez caught my eye straight away.
They are available in a few different colours but I preferred the white.
They are perfectly angled without being too sharp!

They also have some distinguishing features which set them apart from other brands

The main thing that got my attention was this small but mighty LED light.
Perfect for picking up those pesky stray hairs which I always manage to miss.
Also the on/off button is a tiny Swarovski crystal! Uh-Mazing 

They also come with this fab little holder which isn't much bigger than a lippy.
Perfect for throwing in your bag.
 It's also really nice not to get stabbed in the hand when I'm rummaging about in there for something! 

There is also a really handy little mirror inside the holder.
Perfect for doing your brows on the go, or on your lunch break.
(Please excuse my god awful unpainted nails)

I really like these tweezers and think they will most definitely be a staple in my bag from now on! 
What are your favourite tweezers?
Let me know if you have tried this brand before!

Jen <3

La-tweez Pro Illuminating Tweezers are available in:
John Lewis, Boots & House of Fraser for around £15